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Lead Pastor

Christ The King Friday Harbor Friday Harbor, WA, Washington, United States



3 years - 6 years




Job Type :



Job category


Senior Pastor

Apply before :


Mon Jan 01, 2024
Posted Date


Tue Jan 03, 2023

Job Denomination

:   Non-Denominational Church

Job Summary

Job Description

Job Description:

Christ the King Friday Harbor is currently looking for a Pastor who faithfully seeks God’s leadership in prayer and has a shepherd’s heart. We seek someone passionate about God, His Word, and His people. Someone with integrity, an intimate relationship with Jesus, and someone who continues to grow through the power of the Holy Spirit.

We seek an individual who will boldly preach the gospel and is knowledgeable and comfortable with teaching about spiritual gifts. The preferred candidate will encourage discipleship and growth within our church so that our people can reach out individually to the unchurched in our community.

Preferred education and skills:
• 2-4 years of Bible School or Seminary
• Willingness to live on San Juan Island
• 3-5 years of experience teaching or preaching from the Bible
• Two years of experience planning and directing community evangelism
• Experience networking and visiting families
• Experience working with a team of volunteers

Church Description:

Christ The King Friday Harbor (CTK) is an established congregation on San Juan Island off the coast of western Washington. Our church exists to be an authentic community of Christ-followers that loves God wholeheartedly and serves one another and the broader San Juan Island community.

While our congregation is small (with 30 - 40 active members), we have members from various demographics and Christian faith traditions. The circumstances of the last two years have led us to a deeper reliance on God through prayer. Many of us seek God, asking to hear from the Spirit together and in our personal lives.

We have recently transitioned from a pastor-led to a board-led church willing to free up the pastor for ministry. With this transition, we seek to learn how to work together as a body participating in the work of serving the San Juan Island Community.


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