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Associate Pastor of Congregational Life and Community Outreach

Linden Baptist Church Gladstone, MO, Missouri, United States



1 year - 3 years




Job Type :



Job category


Other Pastor, Associate Pastor, Other

Apply before :


Tue Jan 07, 2025
Posted Date


Mon Jan 08, 2024

Job Denomination

:   Baptist

Job Summary

Job Description

The Associate Pastor of Congregational Life and Community Outreach position is a full-time ministry position that will participate in worship, provide pastoral support, and perform other general leadership duties in support of, and at the direction of, the Senior Pastor. The Associate Pastor of Congregational Life and Community Outreach will administrate and execute the ministries of the church in alignment with the mission and vision of Linden Baptist Church. Primary areas of responsibility are pastoral leadership, strategic planning, fiscal management, business administration, operations management, organizational development, and formulating and overseeing a ministry of outreach to the community.


  • The Associate Pastor of Congregational Life and Community Outreach shall be a Christian and be in agreement with the church covenant and statement of faith; they and their immediate family must become active members of Linden Baptist Church.

  • The Associate Pastor of Congregational Life and Community Outreach shall be genuinely committed to the gospel and sense a divine call to this role.

  • The Associate Pastor of Congregational Life and Community Outreach will strive to have a servant attitude in personal and professional relationships.

  • Bachelor's Degree Required

General Responsibilities

  • Work well with the Senior Pastor and other staff to coordinate various activities and develop growth and unity within the church.

  • Assist the Senior Pastor in preaching, teaching, and leading in worship.

  • Conduct visits to hospitals, nursing homes, and individuals in coordination with the Senior Pastor and staff.

  • Be a visual part of the community promoting Christ and our church.

  • Maintain open communication with the Senior Pastor in planning and directing strategic and organizational planning for the church through staff and other meetings as needed.

  • Participate in and support the local Association, State Convention, and the denomination.

  • Perform other duties as assigned by the Senior Pastor.

  • Maintain and be available for communication with the church.

Outreach Responsibilities


  • Ensure that prayer is maintained as a high priority in the church.

  • Lead the pastors, staff, and ministry lay leaders to constantly seek the Lord through prayer.


1) Pastors and Staff

  • Weekly oversight, mentoring, accountability, and support for Pastors/Directors (apart from the Senior Pastor)

  • Ensure pastoral staff is leading ministries in collaboration with the mission and vision of Linden Baptist Church.

  • Equip, supervise, and review all office support staff.

2) Lay Leaders/Volunteers

  • Oversee a Discipleship Program that will ensure the health and growth of members of Linden Baptist Church.

  • Oversee an Outreach Program that will promote the Gospel and our church.

  • Oversee Missions in cooperation with the Mission Education directives.

  • Provide the Deacon Board leadership, training, and direction with the Senior Pastor.

  • Provide leadership, training, and oversight to all of our adult ministry. This includes being available for and communicating with the ongoing ministry teams, ensuring they are effective and holding to their original purpose.

  • Provide leadership, training, and direction for any new ministry teams in their infancy to ensure that their purposes line up with the mission, vision, and core values of Linden Baptist Church.

  • Work well with the Senior Pastor and others. Work with staff to coordinate various activities and develop growth and unity within the entire church.

  • Assist the Senior Pastor in preaching, teaching, and leading in worship.

  • General Leadership/Shepherding

  • Provide Pastoral counseling (Refer to outside counseling as needed.)

  • As able, provide oversight for weddings, baby dedications, grief counseling, and funerals.

  • Partner with Deacons and others within the church to care for the sick, needy, and homebound.

  • Participate in occasional preaching in coordination with the Senior Pastor.

Outreach Duties

Develop and maintain a calendar of outreach activities, including community events, workshops, appearances, and other outreach opportunities within the community, and be a visual part of the community promoting Christ and our church.

  • Schedule and coordinate regular outreach activities in the community.

  • Prepare an annual budget for community outreach.

  • Maintain open communication with the Senior Pastor in planning and directing strategic and organizational planning for the church through staff and other meetings as needed.

  • Liaise with community groups, local schools, government officials, and other ministries for partnership and outreach.

  • Perform other duties as assigned by the Senior Pastor.

  • Nurture new and old relationships with collaborative partners.

  • Coordinate, write, and edit compelling communications of community­-wide events, using appropriate digital and traditional platforms to engage new visitors and members.

  • Work with the appropriate council to develop a plan and identify resources for follow-up connections with visitors.

  • Engage members and visitors through social media, including our website and other media sites.

  • Assess and report on the effectiveness of communication strategies.


  • Report directly under the supervision of the Senior Pastor, meeting weekly to share and plan work.

  • Work closely with other pastoral ministers and staff members.

  • Work in close cooperation with committee/team leaders.

  • Cooperate with the finance committee and treasurer by submitting budget requests for assigned areas and administering expenditures within the church budget limits based on the church's current ability to pay.

  • Attend and give reports at monthly Church Council meetings and quarterly business meetings.


Not Mentioned