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Outreach Director

Trinity UMC Gibsonburg, OH, USA, Ohio, United States
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Job Type :



Job category


Other Pastor

Apply before :


Thu Aug 29, 2019
Posted Date


Wed Jul 10, 2019

Job Denomination

:   United Methodist Church

Job Summary

Job Description

Job Description for

Outreach Director

Gibsonburg United Methodist Church

Faith Campus

Trinity Campus

Accountable to: Lead Pastor & Staff Parish Committees of Gibsonburg UMC

Direct Report: Lead Pastor

Scope of Responsibility: Oversight of the Outreach Center of Gibsonburg UMC.

Job Summary: The Outreach Director will be responsible for developing, leading, and implementing ministries that reach into the community of Gibsonburg and the surrounding areas.

Attributes and Qualities:

A personal and growing relationship with Christ
A clear passion to reach out to people of all ages with God�s love.
Evidence of proven interpersonal skills as a team leader and player
Ability to understand and connect with individuals of all ages
Organized and able to recruit and build teams
Strong work ethic and moral integrity
Respect for authority
Experience in working with all age groups a plus
An attitude of servant leadership


Provide oversight of the outreach center.
Communicate a vision for the outreach center that is relational, Christ-like in approach and walks with individuals as they see God�s love in action.
Create strategies for recruiting, screening, training and mentoring ministry leaders.
Build relationships and teams of volunteers to more effectively achieve goals and purposes. These relationships and ministry teams must foster trust and open communication regarding the ministries.
Develop leaders for the various outreach ministries. Leadership development should be organic and when possible from within the outreach ministries themselves.
Participate in Sunday morning worship service as directed by the Lead Pastor
Attend weekly staff meetings and monthly Lead Council meetings
Attend weekly worship and special worship services unless on vacation or Lead Pastor has been notified of absence
Oversee the outreach facilities for maintenance issues. Communicate the various maintenance issues and capital improvement needs to the Trustees. Working in conjunction with the Trustees communicate the facility needs to the Lead Council.
Prepare yearly goals and tentative calendar that encompasses faith, vision and goal setting submitting it by January 1 of each year to the Lead Pastor and Lead Council of Gibsonburg UMC

Specific Goals for the Position of Outreach Director

Oversee Helping Hands Ministry
Oversee Cook together Eat Together
Develop this into Dinner Church
After school ministry
Work in conjunction with Lead Pastor to staff, schedule and create an after-school ministry.
Oversee 1 capital improvement project for the facility

Performance Review:

The Outreach Director will receive an annual performance review conducted by the Lead Pastor in the fall of each year. This will be a comprehensive �360 degree� review based in part on feedback from ministry leaders and Leadership Teams. The annual review will include a process of personal goal setting for the coming year, an appraisal of overall performance for the past year.

Please email resume to [email protected]

Please include references email and current phone number.

Please send everything to the attention of Pastor Max


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